Environment Home » Sustainability » Environment Affordable & Clean Energy Responsible Consumption & Production Life Below Water Life on Land Affordable & Clean Energy Solar Power The solar power project at Formosa Plastics headquarters in Livingston, New Jersey has already produced more than 4.60GWh of power to date. 2019 – Present 4.60 0 GWh Electric Vehicles Beyond 2022, Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A. has plans across our facilities to convert over 100 vehicles to EV/hybrid, and provide more than 100 charging stations. Electric vehicle charging stations are already available for use by associates at our headquarters in Livingston, NJ. EV & Hybrid Vehicles 100+ Charging Stations 100+ Responsible Consumption & Production The company is engaged in a business that is resource intensive and very competitive, only the most efficient producers prevail. Formosa seeks to reduce the impact of our operations by constantly improving and reducing water use, energy, emissions and waste. Goals are set every year and all facilities track their progress in detail. Independent organizations like BSI audit our facilities to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard every six months and conduct a full recertification every two years. We must all work to assess our impacts on the environment and strive to become a circular economy. Emissions Reduction 50% Improved efficiency has allowed Formosa to reduce emissions by 50% over 10 years while increasing production and efficiency. Power Efficiency 50% Formosa’s combined cycle power plant allows us to produce up to 50% more electricity from the same amount of fuel than a traditional simple-cycle plant. Over 600M Gallons of water recycled in 2022 at our Texas facility Circular Economy Formosa’s long-term goals include the development of post consumer recycling (PCR) blended resin grades and more advanced operating units that recover recycled plastic and convert the material back into virgin resin. Continuous Improvement Formosa is constantly evolving to create the highest quality PCR products and most sustainable procedures and processes. Product Stewardship Nothing is more important to Formosa than the quality and safety of our products and the well-being of our consumers who use them. We have rigorous safety and quality requirements and we are proud of our long track record of producing safe products. Formosa closely monitors and carefully considers new information published by the scientific community and regulatory agencies. New information regarding additives and other ingredients, including public perception of ingredients is taken into consideration. Research is reviewed by our Product Stewardship team which ensures that our products, including additives, are safe for their intended use. During the past year TNPP (tris(nonylphenyl) phosphite) has been phased out of our products as well as Animal Derived Materials (ADM) to the greatest extent possible. Always consult the product declaration statements on our company website for full information. 3.7x More efficient delivery Formosa’s rail fleet allows for quick and efficient delivery. Delivery by rail is approximately 3.7x more efficient than by truck. Life Below Water Protecting the marine environment is a core value for Formosa. Formosa has financially supported independent, third party water quality and biological community monitoring of Upper Lavaca Bay for over 29 years and the annual findings are published and made available to the public. The May 2022 report includes the following statement: “…the Monitoring Program, to date, indicates that there are no adverse impacts to the health or structure of the biological community, including the quality, benthic structure, planktonic structure, and higher trophic levels in Lavaca Bay.” Lavaca bay monitoring program showed ‘no adverse impact’ from Formosa’s operations over last 29 years. Formosa’s data “is the best and most comprehensive data set available regarding any Texas bay system.” 29 Years of protection Formosa is partnering with the Plastics Industry Association on Operation Clean Sweep® to achieve “zero pellet, powder and flake discharge” into the marine environment. Despite the many benefits plastics bring to people and communities around the world, plastic waste in the environment, particularly the ocean, is a serious global challenge that calls for swift action and strong leadership. The company has also made a substantial commitment to engage in the problem of plastic waste and marine pollution through a newly formed organization, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW). This CEO-driven non-profit was established to directly deal with the leakage of plastic waste into the world’s oceans through four pillars of action: 78,000+ Pieces of litter picked up Life on Land The Formosa-Tejano Wetlands was established in 1997 and set aside to provide habitat for migratory and neotropical species as well as endemic shore and wading birds. Secondarily, the wetlands were designed as a location to do meaningful outdoor education for public school children and for the general public to enjoy. Most recently, Formosa’s Texas plant supported the Jackson-Calhoun County Christmas Bird Count by providing access to Formosa’s property and facilities. Birding experts surveyed the Formosa-Tejano Wetland site. Bob Friedrichs—local Audubon Society compiler reported: “194 species were tallied during the countdown dinner sponsored by Formosa. The FormosaTejano Wetlands section of the count led the way with 10 bird species exclusive to that site.” 194 0 Bird species catalogued Including the Great Blue Heron, American Kestral, Killdeer, White Ibis, Willet and Cliff Swallow. In 2023, Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A. committed to reducing waste in the community with a donation of $40,000 to the City of Point Comfort. Our Texas facility partnered with Republic Recycling Services to provide Point Comfort residents with recycling bins and curbside pickup services. This project is set to go through 2026 and in its first year, supplied Point Comfort residents with 315 bins. Great community participation diverted a total of 19,480 pounds of trash from landfills. Formosa Plastics has also committed $670,000 to Point Comfort to convert their current recycling center to a citizen collection point, which will greatly expand the ability of residents in surrounding areas to recycle at home. $710,000 donation to the City of Point Comfort to increase recycling Learn about our commitment to the community. Learn More